Keto, Dirty Keto, Easy Keto, Clean Keto, LCHF - What's the deal?

If you've been keeping up with diet trends as long as I have you know Keto is not new. My first memory of it was Dr. Atkins (I referred to him at Dr. Fatkins) and his low carb diet book. I remember searching the pharmacy for ketone test strips so I could make sure I was doing the diet correctly. Soon after, South Beach was introduced which was modified low carb (probably defeated the whole purpose).

Recently I've been attempting to gain recipe inspiration on YouTube and people are talking about Keto as being this very specific and very restrictive diet. I'm hearing that "True Keto" is 100% gluten free, grassfed, etc. No, no, no. Why take something so easy and useful and screw it up? If you want to combine Paleo, Keto, and maybe even Veganism, you'd probably have a super healthy diet. But, you'd probably be starving too. What would you even eat? Why complicate life?

I am not a doctor. I'm not a scientist. I'm not a nutritionist. This is my opinion and you should research and form your own:

If toxins are accumulated when fat is stored (during weight gain), then isn't it most important to eat clean fats when you are no longer losing fat? Cooking meals at home is expensive. It's shameful that it would be cheaper to eat premade high carb frozen or fast food. Organic, grassfed, non gmo is expensive and restrictive. I'd like to drop another 50 lbs in the next few months. And I'd like to do it with the least amount of stress as possible.

My dirty trick is using the app - Carb Manager. It makes keeping track of my macros (carb, protein, and fat ratios) super easy. And it's by far the easiest way I've found to count carbs. I enter in the foods that I eat and then I can see how many carbs I have left for the day. I've also created my own entries for the foods I eat regularly so I can enter my meals fast.

***This page may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I am not a physician or nutritionist. Consult with a qualified physician before starting any diet, exercise, supplement, or anything else mentioned on this blog. ***


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